Friday, May 25, 2007

Oh's been a while...

Well hello everyone...
I am glad to say that I have not fallen off the face of the earth, but that I have simply been busy! It's a good thing only because it makes time fly and it allows for amazing experiences to happen. So since 9 days ago, when I wrote my last blog, there are LOADS of things that I got to do and that are worth telling of. I will do my best to break things up and to make it interesting, cutting the details down to what is important and to use pictures seeing as an image is worth 1000 words. Some of you might know that doing all is VERY hard for me, so hold on we go!!

So the day after I last wrote was a holiday here in Burkina. Ascension! In that honour, there was nothing open, including the pre-school I help at. I got a day off in my first week of great is that? I was very glad to have been able to participate in a picnic that was put on by the SIM related churches of the area. It took place in the national park here in Ouaga and gathered people for some food and worship and prayer. All a very good experience...including the million ants that were out because of the rain about a week before that day, and the insane amounts of bats that were flying 8 AM!! How weird!
That Friday, I returned to the pre-school and we finished the testing that the children had to go through. We made sure that all those who had missed a day were present and had a chance to catch up on the tests they hadn't done. I find it interesting that so many children end up skipping school at the age of 5 because there is nothing to hold them back form doing so...It has been a cultural element to get used to.

Pauline and I decided that Saturday was a good day to go downtown to pick up a few things, and to then take a cab to the Artisan village. That cab ride was one of a kind since our cab ran out of gas (we almost had to push) and got a flat tire all within 20 minutes! We finally got there and took a few hours to look at all the beautiful things that all the Burkinabe artisans make. I figured out what I will be getting in terms of souvenirs and I was simply amazed at the things that can be made from the limited resources that some people had! I will definitely have to go back there soon, but apparently not before I go to the leather factory! (that should be a very interesting adventure.)

This past Sunday, I chose to go to one of the churches that had put the picnic together, the SIM Zogona church. It is the one in our neighbourhood. Now...I have a most important comment about Northwest African churches...They are NOT what we think they are. The international church mentioned in an other blog has obviously been very westernized. I went into this neighbourhood church expecting a very lively, impressively gifted in singing, and music playing church. What I found was nothing different than any of the churches at home, except with a majority of black people instead of the opposite! The service was very good even considering the length and as a guest, I was so lucky as to stand in front of the whole congregation and shake everyone's hand!! was nice to see the welcome that they give to new comers!
This Monday, I came to the school completely unaware of what we were supposed to be doing with the kids for the week. I was then announced that we are to use the next 2 weeks to put together a presentation for the parents on Friday, June 1st. I will make sure to let you know how 2 weeks of prep does for that!... the children were all very excited to not be tested, and were full of energy; what a tough crowd!
A new STA come in for the next 6 weeks. Rebekah Daniel is studying linguistics and is here to study and analyse Maure, which is great because I can learn a bit from what she is learning...and teaching it helps her remember it!I also got to talk to Dan on Skype and, although his microphone wasn't working for most of the conversation, it totally made my day to hear his voice for even a short while.
On Tuesday, Silvie, the teacher who has most, if not all, of the authority over the children was not there because she had to write an important exam. As a result, Elisabeth and I scrambled to get the children to stay focussed for anything and everything. I had prepared double-sided pages for them to colour and I think that might actually have saved us. I can honestly say that it was the toughest day of work there. Despite that, Tuesday was a good day and I felt it was very productive. ESL went incredibly well. So well that I could not finish what I had planned because the class was discussing in depth on every topic! For a conversational English class, they sure converse! :)
Wednesday was a pretty normal day, but I was just amazed at the fact that Silvie really is the only person that the kids listen to. They were angels since she came back! We did our best to play some games of red-light/green-light and to keep the kids entertained by teaching them the months of the year and days of the week. I was able to have some really good chats with everybody who is down in the guesthouse and with all those who were at the prayer meeting. I really do enjoy those!
Yesterday, Rebekah came to the preschool with me. This means 2 things, 1) I get to say goodbye to the bumpy bike rides and hello to the company for the way there and back, and 2) that it now takes me 3 time as long to get there and that I'm getting a very intense tan! She is loving hanging out with the children, and they are loving having a new foreigner to "explore". We had the children race in the field, sing, dance, and drum on the table (both actions are very natural in them and just happen as soon as someone starts to sing.) I figure that here is a good place to let pictures talk for me. You all finally get to see the kids I've been writing about all this time and at least one of the teachers (Silvie). Enjoy!

ESL was also very interesting since the discussions went on for a really long time and seemed to have everyone's interest! I am really enjoying the members of my class. They make it much easier to teach!! :)

Today was pretty similar to yesterday at the school, and I (obviously) have been catching up with things I put aside during the week! Tonight, the plan is to go see the play/musical Oliver at the ISO because the kids are putting it on and it's bound to be really cute! Hopefully, I will also get to talk to Dan on Skype (and his microphone will hopefully work...)

I therefore bid you all farewell, and I hope that you enjoyed reading this edition of my adventures in Burkina Faso!

Catch you on the flip side!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Some more news...

Hi everyone!

well, it's only been a couple of days...but I thought that maybe I could be more concise if I wrote more often.

So...a few things have happened since Monday. I got to talk to quite a few people online, including my parents through Skype (what a wonderful idea it was to download it!! Thanks Mark & Leanne!), and Mel and Dan (even though the time difference is of 6 hours and it has been very hard to make our schedules match up). I can't say that I wasn't extatic to talk to them all!!

Yesterday was bordering awful at the pre-school. We had 3 things prepared for the kids to work on, but because they took longer than expected on the first two, there was too little time left to do the third, but loads of time still that had nothing planned. I figured out tonight however, that that's how African schooling works. I'm very used to my "ultra-structured, go by the exact plan for the whole year" kind of schooling and so to see a full hour go by where both kids and teachers just sit around was especially hard for me. To add to the was actually quite warm yesterday, and the kids, when not given anything to do, decided they wanted to sit on my lap and climb in my arms and on my back. I'm usually fine with all that, except when I am covered in sweat and would rather not move for fear of sweating more. (You can all imagine that at that particular moment, I had no will to have 10-15 kids sworm around me to cuddle or play...) On the up side however!, I don't really mind the bike ride anymore. I mean, I don't necessarily enjoy it because I never really did like bikes to begin with, but I must say that you learn quite quickly where to ride on the road and how to avoid the bumps, rocks, and dents!
I then spent the afternoon prepping (photocopying, mostly) for ESL and welcoming my new house help person!'s kind of hard to let someone do all the work that you are used to doing yourself at home!! but I must say, she did a fantastic job and I will be glad to see her again on Friday. I got all my stuff ready for the ESL class, and I would like to thank you all for your prayers because it went quite well!...they are all willing to discuss and chat about all kinds of different topics. I have decided to integrate a Bible study as part of the Biblical outreach section of the ministry, but I think I might have a few Muslims in my class. So I hope not to offend them, and to use the outreach of what it is supposed to do, reach out :) I mainly want to have the class discuss different part of the study questions along with all the other discussions I hope to fit in.

Today was fairly relaxed. The kids behaved alright, or at least in comparisson to yesterday. I wish I spoke Maure (that's how you spell it apparently, not Moré) so I could get them to listen a little more, but I know that they are also only kids and that I need to be gentle and patient with them. I worked on my prep for tomorrow's class, and as I said earlier, talked to Mel and Dan. Both were kind of randomized and definitely not planned (or at least, not on my part...) but I was very very glad to hear from them and what they're up to! I also went to the prayer meeting, and actually had a very good time and a few really nice chats with Jenny and Leanne.

So off I go now, to talk to Dan on MSN some more actually...
Take care everyone!...and I'll catch you on the flip side!

Monday, May 14, 2007

First weekend in Ouaga

Hi all...
So...the weekend has passed and I must say it was quite good...
Friday, I spent the morning at the pre-school that I am now teaching at to prep up with the other two teachers there for the evaluations that the kids are going through this's pretty intense considering they're in kindergarten! That night, we went to the ISO's restaurant for dinner...and then headed to the Dartnell's for a was great...Christina (who is staying in the guesthouse until this Wednesday and who's my age) was staying at the Dartnell's for the weekend because the guesthouse was getting a bit crowded with visiting families from different part of Burkina who were taking a weekend off from being in the bush to come to the city...oh my...
Saturday was a bit of a funny feeling stomach day...but I pulled had to happen eventually....heh...and after I started feeling better (at around 10 am...) I came down to the guest house and Christina, Pauline (who I might have forgotten to introduce...she flew here on the same flight as me and we've had some really good chats!!...she spent 10 year in Benin as a missionary and she's from Australia!), and I went to the ISO garage sale!! (I know...garage sales in odd...). I actually found 2 peices of the same fabric and I am hoping to get a few tops out of it...the rest of the day was pretty quiet and I made my first dinner!...Tuna MacNcheese!'s really hard to cook for one I must say...going from a dorm of 8 to that makes it even from now on I think Pauline and I might try to share dinners...while she's in the guest house anyway...and later, there is supposed to be a girl my age coming in from maybe she'll wanna team up with me... :)
Here's a map of the part of Burkina that SIM works in... just so you can situate where Fada is compared to's East...

So Sunday was the interesting day!...

I went to the International Church of Ouagadougou (ICO) with the Dartnell's and Christina...I was quite reminded me of why I always wanted to go to a Haitian church!!...Bring on the clapping and intense enthusiasm! The message was really good and given in English and translated into French. Next Sunday I might go check out a more local church that is in French and translated into Moré (the local language here in Ouaga!). We had lunch with the Dartnell's and were joined by an elderly couple who is actually one of the attending pastors and his wife. They came with their 7 years old granddaughter who lives with them and their 12 years old youngest son! was quite odd to me...but considering they have seven kids...I guess it makes a little bit of sense...
After Church, I sat in the guesthouse with Pauline and Christina for a while and then we heard the wind pick up!...that, in Burkina, is a sign of rain...and I'm not talking about a little bit of wind lifted so much dust that the sky looked like this!

Soon afterwards, one of the most massive downpours I had ever seen happened and just mesmorized me!...(unfortunately rain is kinda hard to take pictures of, so this is the best I have...)

Afterwards...since the power kept cutting in and out...The girls and I decided to have a pizza (there are frozen ones here in the guesthouse freezer...) unfortunately, we let it thaw before putting it on the pan which made it really had to take it out of the plastic...after some folding and such, we ended up with a nicely half thin-crusted and half deep-dish pizza... :)
It rained all night, and all the rain allowed for a beatifully cool night where I even had to use the sheet on my legs! was the first night I didn't wake up from, drenched in sweat from the heat and most definitely my best night here so far!...Come come rainy season!...It will mean more cooler nights!!!!!
Today was my first day of actual teaching at the Pre-School...I can honnestly say I did not enjoy the bike ride there and I am not looking forward to having to do it every morning...but the kids there are just something else, and that made it all better (until I hopped on the bike for the ride back home...) I will make sure to have some pictures of the kids before I leave there just to show you...but I am sure there will be many differnet stories to tell from there. They all love me (partially because I'm new and a foreigner...) and they all wanted to play with me...only problem...slight language barrier. The kids only know a little bit of French and so even getting them to do something is kind of hard...but the other 2 teachers are more than helpful, and since we are doing testings for the week, it has been pretty easy. It's a good tool to learn the kids' names too...I get to call them out and point to letters and shapes and colours and get them to count up to 10 in French. They are quite an adorable bunch!...There are 48 kids registered although some don't always come...and 3 sections...petite, moyenne, and grande (take a wild guess at what those are!.. :)...and ages range from 3 to 6 years old.
Tonight, Pauline, Christina, and I went to a restaurant called the Paradisios and had some really good meet! was totally worth it. I also bought some more mangoes!...I can't get enough of them!
So that's about my weekend (in a big nutshell) and beginning of the week...maybe I should post more often so that they're a bit shorter!...
I hope you are all enjoying whatever it is that you are doing and that the weather is nice at home too!
God Bless!
P.S. I get to teach my first ESL class tomorrow! pray for's a little nerve recking!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

On the tail end of week one in Ouaga!

Hi everyone!!
(sorry...there are no pictures on this one...i'm still figuring things i haven't taken too many since paris and getting here..)

So today is Thursday…almost the weekend!!…not that I’ve been working all that hard or anything…things have been quite easy going around here…kinda like how the whole African culture is…

So yesterday…I went for a few errands with Pauline Golder (who flew here on the fame flight as me…) and I went to one of the local markets and got a few things there like bleach for my fruit and veggies…I also went to buy fabric with Leanne later on that day because Pauline had told me that the tailor was coming today and I am dead set on getting a few outfits made!…I’ll have pictures when I get them…I got to take a little bit of a car tour around our area of Ouaga with Mark, but today was the big adventure….THE DOWNTOWN MARKET!!! I must say…if anything has ever been exciting/overwhelming/amazing…it was definitely that…There’s no “market place” per say…but rather…it spreads for like 5 or 6 streets…(maybe more…) basically…there are people selling things everywhere!!! And they are persistent to a level I had never experienced before (we got followed for a few blocks by some guys selling dresses and table cloths…which were all very nice…but I’m not quite at “souvenir buying” yet...I’ve got loads of time…and the tailor is coming today so there’s no need for me to buy a dress…J) So yes…there were a few grocery stores (2 main ones) where I got some staple foods like cheese and meats…and sugar!…oh…and coconut cookies!! Yumm!! Only problem is…today is HOT!!! And the power has gone down…so my fridge and freezer are doing a really pitiful job at keeping things cold…hopefully the power comes back on soonish…I’m longing for those fans to work again…they’re my new best friends!

After the Market, I got to go help the two teachers that teach at a pastor’s pre-school prep for the evaluations that they are going to be giving the kids…I was there from 11 am till 12:15 pm…and I got to draw elephants and chickens…and hear a bit more about the pre-school because I will be teaching there for the rest of the month (until the school year is done…at the end of May). I also got to prepare the biblical outreach that we’re gonna do with the ESL class that I will co teach with Alan Ashmore tonight…and take half of starting next week…so that’s what I’m doing…if anybody has an good ideas about ice-breakers and games to do with either the pre-schoolers (ages 3-6) or with the ESL class (university students who need more speaking practice than anything else…) PLEASE let me know…because in case you all don’t know…I’m not quite trained for teaching…I’m a social worker!…

I was also told, to my great enthusiasm, that I will be spending 2 weeks in an orphanage outside of Ouaga. Those will be the last week of June and the first week of July. This is a well in advance warning that I will not be able to post anything during those 2 weeks…or be in contact with anyone…sorry…but I promise I will tell all about that experience as soon as I come back…

So that’s it for now…plan for tonight is dinner with the Watts…and ESL…and measurements taking for outfit making…I might also go to check out a kids program at a church outside of Ouaga in an area that is currently being zoned…that would mean that it’s an area where poor people all just settled in, not buying land or anything…and once the city is ready…they level everything out to make streets and sell off the lots…those who don’t get one…move to an other area that hasn’t been zoned until the next time that happens to them…

Do pray for this country…there’s a lot to mention and for fear of forgetting anything I won’t…but there’s a lot of sad times and incredibly hard work on the part of the Burkinabe for very little results in the end….

I’ll catch you all later

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Once upon a time in Ouagadougou!

Welcome All...
To this new adventure of Ariane Jaeger-Dumont.

A week ago, I was in orientatio, discussing this trip with all kinds of people and spending some time carefully preparing myself for what was to come. I never would have thougth it would be this!

On May 6th, I hopped on a plane that traveled 3600 miles from Toronto to Paris. I was blessed to find my great-aunt there who gladly toured me around Paris and where I managed to take quite a few pictures (form the car...) Now, I HAVE to go vist Paris once more to see it all properly... here are some pictures of what I managed to see...

My next plane was flying for Paris to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Both were relatively calm flights except for the [art where we flew through a storm before landing in Ouaga. All my luggage made it here safely (yay!!) and I am still in one piece!

Guess what everybody!...It's HOT here!'m sweatting just sitting here...but hey...rainy season is on its way and it should cool things off a bit...

My appartment here is quite cozy, and everybody is SO nice. I have 2 neighbours who share the appartment beside mine, Kirsten and Lydia (if that's how you spell their names...) Their are very very nice and were so kind as to offer me a mango for breakfast!...Any of you mango fans?!...because this one was better than any mango i've ever eaten!!'ll have to come here and try it some time!...:)

So now i'm off to the Dartnell's for lunch and have dinner plans. I will get shown around, and I get to sit in on an ESL class tonight. I'm pretty much all settled in, and looking forwards to this new life for 3 months!...

If you know of anybody who would like to receive email updates for whom I don't have an email, please leave a comment with whichever email addresses in it so that I can make sure everybody gets updated. (the same goes for whoever is reading this but didn't receive my email with it and got it from someone else. Please leave a comment with your email address and I will makes sure to put you on my address list!)

well, Off I go!...
Have a great day!